Sunday 29 January 2012

My Wheel of Life - January 2012

So this weeks challenge was kind of easy.....mmmm or I am getting used to thinking about my life and what I want to achieve a nice balance???

The Wheel of Life illustration, below is kind of sad :( but that's OK because I know my family and I need improving!!

So, lets have a look.
Family Environment - 2. This category covers our household and how it functions. At its best things run smoothly - at its worst I turn into Godzilla and the mood is quite low. I would like to see this category at least get up to a four........

Family Relationships - 2. This category covers all relationships, both immediate and extended. This is an area that caused me alot of pain and consumed me (in a bad way) last year. So I am really hoping this area can increase GREATLY!!!

Spirit/Peace - 2. This category covers MY calm and my PEACE. I would also like to include in this category our religion. We are catholics - but not practising. My children attend a catholic school and attend mass regularly but as a family we fall down in this area :( hopefully this year we can find time and attend mass together regularly.

Community/Friendships - 3. This category covers both our small community and my friendships with my friends. As having a new baby takes up ALOT of time, my friends have taken a back seat (some understand, some don't) I hope this year to reconnect with my friends and maybe make some new ones who are at the same stage of life as me (with a small baby).

Recreation - kids - 4. This area of our life is HUGE!!!!!! My children are very involved in extra curricular activities (their choice) and I am proud that they are involved in various sports or community groups. It is also the major area of our time, running from one thing to the next and most nights to two or more activities and then I have to fit in a healthy dinner and a bed time that is acceptable ......... yes sometimes this is not possible!!! Hopefully this year we can balance out more, by finding better routines or??????/

Recreation - family - 3. This area of our life is quite good. Perhaps the kids would prefer it was a five, but I don't think this is going to happen!!!! I think of this category as our family outings.holidays etc. Maybe at the end of the year this could maybe be a 4......

Healthy Lifestyle - 2.  Grrrrr this category is a hard one for me!!!! I want our family to enjoy healthier options for dinner and especially the children for lunches!!! I HATE SCHOOL LUNCHES!!!! So this area really needs some work :)

Simpler Lifestyle - 3. This category covers the need for me to slow down!!! I always dream of a life where we have a big vegetable garden and animals surrounding us. Some land for the kids to run free and views that relax you by just being there....... a dream yes, but maybe i could learn how to incorporate smaller things into my life now........

So overall my wheel of life needs alot of work..... bring on 2012!!!!!!!!!!! And finally, this quote is going to help me

as everyone who I have come across through this challenge has already lifted me up and I look forward to the next 48 weeks :)


  1. 48 weeks and oh boy 48 more reflective pieces and goals...still maybe it may mean we can sort out this Wheel of Life - lot of categories aren't there?! I love the way you've been realistic in your ratings and I was so tempted to make every one 5 as well - they all seem important! I love the idea of healthy lifestyle - think that makes a great platform for the's to striking that healthy balance - may we both :)

    1. Thanks Pip yes its going to be an exciting 48 weeks and I hope that at the end of it all I can smile!!!! (and be more relaxed and organised) :)

  2. I think perhaps, that you are too hard on yourself? At least you see it as an opportunity to grow! Look forward to the rest of this journey with you :)

    1. Thanks for reading Tam!! Yea we are all hard on ourselves thats for sure - but I was trying to be really honest with myself!!! :) Looking forward to having you along for the SYL CHallenge

  3. Oh I hear you on the school lunches. It's so hard and my son is so fussy - I want him to eat healhy food, but usually all the good stuff comes right home again. You have done a great job on your wheel!
    I love the quote you have shared!

    1. Thanks Bec!!! Argggg school lunches - i will be soooo happy when i do not have to think about them!!! My kids lunches are so boring now because i only put in what i know they will eat, i was sooo sick of wasting time and money by putting in things that 'should be' in them!!! So now its just the standard sandwich fruit water and snack....... and they have learnt its no good telling me what everyone else has in their lunches!!!!!!

  4. Great work identifying those areas Paula. Love that you've recognised where you need improvement, and are working on what you need to do. I'm yet to tackle this assignment...still working on our mission statement. Thank goodness for the breather this week to catch up!

    1. Thanks Lisa, yes its been good this week to stop and take a breath and also think about what we have been working on the last few weeks!! I look forward to your mission statement :)

  5. I'm about to post mine, and I have lots of 3s and 4s, plenty of room for improvement. I think it's important to be honest throughout this whole process and you have really done that. It's great to know what areas need some work and to be able to focus on them!

    1. Yes i agree, its no point being dishonest because we will only be cheating ourselves, can't wait to read your wheel of life :) and theres nothing wrong with 3s n 4s!!!!

  6. Hi Paula! Great post! I love your honesty. I agree with so much you have written. The running around of the kids, it's busy and I only have one child to run around but she does 2 different types of dancing with classes on different nights. I can't tell you how many nights my girls have had nuggets and oven chips or sausages in bread for tea - so hard to fit in healthy, quick teas for fussy kids on busy nights! And school lunches are horrible!! I love school holidays because I can think about lunch at lunch time and not 8am!

    1. Hi Mel thanks for reading!!! haha I love that you can acknowledge that your kids have 'quick' dinners..... I think every household would do the same!!!! :) Nothing to be ashamed or worried about - its totally normal!!!!

  7. I think if we all had 4s and 5s we would not have been inclined to make life changes. I think my favourite bit of your post was your simpler lifestyle and this "a dream yes, but maybe i could learn how to incorporate smaller things into my life now........" This is a key way to find greater happiness in our lives NOW while still working on our big dreams. many people do not have that train of thought you are having - if you want X but it is a bigger long term goal, think of ways to achieve pieces of it now. Perhaps you can manage chickens on your existing property?(we love caring for our 2 and enjoying fresh eggs, feeding our food scraps instead of wasting them etc) or something else that connects you to what your big picture would bring (think about what you want from that - slower life, more space, room to breathe etc)

    deb @ home life simplified

    1. Thanks for reading Deb, and understanding my need for a simplier life :) it will happen (thats one of the main reasons I am taking part in your challenge to help me get there!!)

  8. I love your quote, 'Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher'. I am going to remember that one as it is so so true!

    1. Thanks heaps! I appreciate you taking the time to read....... :)
