Saturday 21 January 2012

Our Family Hopes

This week’s task to create a family mission statement is terrifying me!!! So much so that I have ignored it all week and now I am faced with the fact that it’s Saturday and I had better hurry up!!!! It’s scary, as up until now I have not told anyone about the SYL Challenge or even my blog, not even my husband, and to complete this task to its best I needed his, and my family’s input.
So, after broaching the subject during the week with my husband (I gave him time to think) I let the whole thing slide........ but............ the time came this afternoon, and it had to be done!
We were all casually sitting around and I thought instead of having a formal family meeting (as my kids HATE them and they are never productive!!!) I started casually asking questions – and to my surprise they stopped what they were doing and cooperated J
BUT it was a stressful, painful, annoying, hard..... I could go on, hour!! I am still all uptight from the experience!!!! So after gardening for awhile and trying to unwind and let it all go, here I am, cuppa, chocolate, baby sooking in the background, kids watching tv - loudly, some more chocolate, and I am going to try put together our FAMILY HOPES – the kids didn’t really understand ‘mission statement’ and we like the below quote, so we decided to call it our FAMILY HOPES.......

My family is made up of myself, my husband, my son (11) and two daughters (9 years and 10 months). So what possible answers could we all come up with to describe us???
There was also Mean and Rude – from my nine (going on 15) year old daughter who dislikes me at the moment!!
These words do describe us and looking back over my values from week 2, everything seems to all fit in together.
So after a looooong (well it felt it) discussion we all decided that in 2012 we wanted more family activities, both structured and unstructured, more family holidays (not sure how we could squeeze in any more, we already enjoy LOTS of getaways together), more relaxation, and more happiness! Yep, well that’s all well and good – but how do we get there????
Everyone agreed that the following needed improving for us to achieve any relaxation or happiness: Manners (hard nut to crack when we have hormones raging left right and centre!!!), Helping around the house (whoo hoo I will not argue with this one) and A Meal Planner that we all have input to and mum sticks to!
So we are all feeling quite happy with ourselves and I am hoping that we are covering enough ground for me to form some kind of “FAMILY HOPES”. Whilst the momentum was going my husband decided we should tackle the Meal Planning list, so we did – like I said earlier this has been a painful experience!! I take my hat off to all those families who have family meetings and can all sit down quietly and happily and discuss.......
So, where are we??? Yes, our   “FAMILY HOPES”.   Ok, here we are:
As a family we are at our best when we are on holidays.
We will try to prevent times when mum is tired.
We will find more time with each other to take part in family activities - both structured and unstructured.
We will help each family member by talking nice, not talking back and no yelling.
We will help others by including our neighbours and friends in our everyday lives so we may be there in their time of need.
We will stop procrastinating and start working on: Watching our manners and helping around the house.
We will be viewed as a family that is Loving, Helpful, Friendly, Caring and Family Orientated.
We will fill our home with HAPPINESS.
We will make choices and decisions based on: Trust, Honesty, Love, Patience, Helpfulness, and Friendliness.

We will constantly renew ourselves by focusing on: family walks, acknowledging god in our everyday lives and try to attend mass as a family, give each other space when needed and extra love and support if that is what we need, be there for a hug ANYTIME and always encourage friendships.

PHEW, I hope we are going to get there!!! Really looking over this, we do all try our hardest to get along, and we do function as a great family unit 99% of the time. I guess if the kids can understand that by helping even a small amount, I am not sooooo tired and cranky and the house is much more relaxed. AND I guess if I know the kids are tired and just want some space, I should learn not to not nag J!!!!!
Ok, so this challenge wasn’t all bad. I am relaxed now that I have written this post and I am feeling all in love with my family again! Amazing what chocolate can do!!!


  1. hi Paula, great work. I feel the same I am not so sure about this week's challenge. This is my challenge and not the family's how will they cope with it, should I ask they to particpate...... if you can do it so can I. wish me luck. Thanks for the inspiration....
    shine on in 2012 :)

    1. Thanks rita!! I am glad i included my husband (and maybe kids :) ) good luck talking with your family i look forward to reading your post!!

  2. Oops, thought I had commented on this earlier but the comment's not here. I think I was having browser problems at work. I love that your kids contributed to this, and I think you should put it on their bathroom mirror so they remember every day, the they have said they should help you :-)

    1. HAHA thats a really good idea!! I might try it :) well its been two days since we all sat down and i must say they have been more helpful!!! I doubt it will last - but thats ok as long as they help when i ask I will be happy - thanks for taking the time to read!!

  3. I love your post. You have done a great job. I love how you changed it into family hopes. I'm struggling with this one too. My kids are 5 and 2 so I'm not sure if I should include them.

    1. Thanks Bec!! You could casually just ask them what they love doing with you?? Good luck whichever way you go :)

    2. Thanks Paula. I ended up just asking them a few questions. Hunter now keeps asking me to ask him more questions haha.

  4. Boy. That process sounds intense. I thought it was like squeezing blood out of a stone just going through hubby's values then trying to explain mission statement to him. 10/10 for persevering and for defining some mighty great points to base a cohesive family around :) !!!

    1. Thanks Pip, its always difficult trying to 'talk' to my kiddies lately - they are growing up all too fast :) it was worth doing though, we have all been able to understand each other a little more :)

  5. Good on you - i am terrified of the teen years (and hubby being the only male is even more frightened). It is actually one of the reasons i wanted to focus now on laying good foundations for communication and connections... we'll see over time.

    it is great that you found a way to include them even if it was torture like at times!

    Deb @ home life simplified

    1. Yes deb the teenage years are frightening the living out of us too!!! I have read some fantastic books (and probably have to read many more) lately and one i totally recommend (but its for boys) is "HE'LL BE OK" and i am currently reading the Princess Bitchface book, its quite funny - i think it was written about our house :) I do hope that my household can maintain good communication in the next few years to come, we are pretty good most of the time. Thanks for reading deb - i am really loving this challenge :)

  6. That's a great family mission statement! I haven't started our one yet...maybe we'll tackle it over the weekend. tfs.

    1. Thank you!!! And good luck Lisa I hope you went ok!!! :)

  7. I love your idea of calling it your Family Hopes and love what you came up with too.

    1. Thank you Madeline!! I wanted to try make it something that we could understand!! Thanks for reading :)

  8. These are lovely statements! Good job on battling through that tense hour to get there.

    1. Thanks Jayne!! It was a battle but its been good. Since we all sat down together the kids have often started conversations regarding it all and then we talk about it again, so its been a rewarding experience (IN THE END) hahah thanks for reading :)

  9. i really liked that you took this from the perspective of 'family hopes' there is something exciting and full of promise in that heading!

    1. You are right Lyndaal, I didn't think of it that way - thanks for changing my perspective :)

  10. I really enjoyed reading this Paula! I am still struggling a bit with this challenge but you have given me some new angles to try - thank you :)

    1. Hi Mel I hope you went ok with the challenge!!! Thanks for reading, it was a hard week but its soooo nice to finally say it was done (and made sense)....... :)
