Wednesday 11 January 2012

Getting to the core of the true me.......

When asked "what do you believe in?" or "what are you passionate about" I think everyone answers a standard answer, oh my family, my job,  the church, sport etc.... but when Deb from Simplify your life asked us to dig deeper  ( I was 'stuck'.

I am passionate about my family, which includes my immediate, my extended and my non-blood family, who have been there for me through thick and thin. I am most happy when organising any family event or get together. I love the feeling of being able to provide for and be surrounded at the same time by everyone whom i love and cherish dearly. I am most passionate about being a mum. It is my all and I could think of nothing else or nowhere else I would rather be. I enjoy and feel energised through my children. I very rarely miss a sporting game, school event or friend play date. I am totally involved in their everyday life and their feelings. As they get older I am sad to think that I must let go of this and let them go along their own path.

I am inspired by other women especially mums who seem to have so much going on in their lives and yet the still do the extra. I strive to be that mum........ but I am pretty sure that other mums probably look at my life and think that I am one of those mums who is always doing the extra and seem to have it all together!!! 

I am inspired by people who know what they want in life and just go after it. Could I ever be this person??

But what is at the centre of me?? It is actually quite hard to describe and narrow down, and ‘my list’ is quite surprising to me. But, my personal values........ in summary, right now, would be:

Commitment, Love, Family, Nurturing, Loyalty, Resilience, Devotion, Happiness, Acceptance, Dependable, Trustworthiness, Generosity, Listening, Intuition, Dedication and Patience (but this is something i want!!)
And looking at this shortened list, I believe that if any of my friends were asked to describe me, they would use many of these words!!

My most important, or my
would be

 Family, Nurturing, Commitment, Loyalty and Resilience.

And even though there are five from a long list, I still value much more, and each value can be intertwined together in all of my decision making and my beliefs.
This post has really confirmed in my heart that my family and my current position as a stay at home mum is exactly where I am supposed to be, its exactly what i need right now to ensure my happiness and to be ‘true’ to me.


  1. Great job Paula!!!!
    It took me days to complete this task!!!! I have got my long list of 20 down to 12 but then I split it into my core values and my goals values for 2012!!!!

    1. Oh thank you! I know how you feel it took me all week to think and change my mind and think some more - definetly was hard!!! I look forward to reading your post :)

  2. I'm still compiling my list of core values, and I love how succinctly you've defined your's...and the realisation that you are true to your values! Wishing you all the best for the rest of the 52. Cheers, Lis.

    1. Thanks Lisa, it was sooo hard but i felt good after I had finished it. The hardest thing is that really many of the words I had compiled could mean roughly the same thing...... but i had to choose!!! I look forward to reading your journey this year :)

  3. i really enjoyed this post! I loved following your thought process and how you funnelled down to your core values! nice work!

    1. Thank you :) it's quite hard when you try to narrow down, thank you for taking the time to read :)

  4. Hi Paula! This was lovely to read! I look forward to reading more of your posts :)

    1. Thank you Mel, its quite a fulfilling process :) I look forward to following your journey too, thank you so much for reading!!!

  5. Family is also at the top of my list for very similar reasons right now. Time is precious with little people in your life! Thanks for your post & honesty.

    1. So true!! On the weekend my first born turned 11 and it feels like just yesterday he was my little man who was crawling around and I was his everything!! And now I am lucky to have a gorgeous 10 month old and I intend on soaking her all up because they really do grow too fast!! Thanks for reading :)

  6. Hi Paula! Great post! I really like your writing style.
    You ended up with 5 really great values. It has been really interesting reading all these posts and finding out how everyone went about it, and what values they chose.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!!! It was hard but i got there in the end :) I have enjoyed following your journey and your facebook page, you are doing a great job!!! x

  7. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one to have trouble with this! I think your values really do go together and it's great that they have reaffirmed the path you are on right now!

    1. Thank you! And thank you for taking the time to read :)

  8. I love how you went through the whole process and it reaffirmed that you are where you need and want to be - great post!

    Deb @ home life simplified

    1. Thanks Deb it was hard but well worth it!!

  9. Great list. I agree with you where you say you strive to be that Mum, but others probably think you are. We always see other people doing more than us..but we need to give ourselves credit for what we do.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and reading Bec! I enjoyed finding your blog today and I was even inspired to start the home organisation challenge!! :)

  10. Hi Paula, I was a stalker and didn't comment earlier but read all your values. Your core ones definitely strike a chord - espec Loyalty - love that one :)

    1. Thank you Pip, it was hard deciding but through my life I have meet many people who don't even know what loyalty means let alone would consider it a value, but its definetly important to me - that i am both loyal to my loved ones and that they are loyal to me. thanks for taking the time to read :)
