Friday 3 February 2012

Just breathing.......

Ahhhhhhh, a week to just breathe!!! Thanks deb for the week to just take it all in and take stock of what we have done in the last few weeks.
This week’s break came at a perfect time for my family. It was the last week of Victorian school holidays and so as we count down to school starting on Monday I really needed to get ready!! We decluttered all of the kids clothes and went shopping for everything they needed (and in some cases for stuff they didn’t need)!!
We played board games (as there is not much time in the school term), we walked and talked, and I got the house kind of under control..... although I am looking forward to next week when I can actually get ON TOP of everything and get my house back into a routine and order so we can all function through what is a called the school term (or chaos!!!!)
I have loved these school holidays, I have been able to spend time with my all of my kids without working or rushing around. I have been able to sit back and enjoy their company and be quite amazed and proud, especially of my son who turned 11 over the holidays. He has grown into a gorgeous young boy and is so smart and clever and beautiful and caring and...... I could really go on!!! My love for him has really blossomed and I am so proud. I am also sad, he has grown so tall and quite often sits around the house in just his footy shorts – ahhhh it scares me to think that he will soon be a teenager and a young man - ?????!!!?????!!!?????!!!!??????? so for now I will have to steal big hugs while he will give them to me!!!!!
It also gave me a chance to sit back and have a read through some other great challenge posts.... I am soo grateful to have joined this challenge, it has allowed my thoughts to get into some kind of order and get out of my head, and it’s also opened up my life to other great women who are all on similar wavelengths to me....... I am loving making connections with others!!!
 Ahhhhhh so as I think about returning to normality on Monday, I am quite calm and excited to think about what the 2012 school year is going to hold. My oldest is starting Grade 5 and my second, Grade 4, so we are accustomed to the school term routine, but it’s still quite emotional for me on the first day when I drop them at school and they walk (run) away from me towards their friends and new experiences...... I will probably still shed a small tear – I can’t help it!!!!


  1. Sounds like you had a great week!
    I hope the first day of school went okay for you and you didn't have too many tears!
    My son is in his 2nd term of school (started term 4 last year as you can start after your 5th birthday in SA) so we are still settling into the school routine.

    1. Its such an exciting time their first years of life. Thanks for reading again this week Bec, I hope you enjoyed your week of breathing too :)

  2. My eldest is 7 and I'm already taking advantage of every hug I can! Hugs are even more precious now because they're not as frequent and they really come from the heart! What a beautiful post. There is a great energy around this challenge- thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh thanks for taking the time to read!!! They grow up so fast and I'm just hoping hugs last for a bit longer!!!!

  3. Awww Paula this was beautiful!! What a lovely school holidays you had. We keep our board game days to school holidays too, it's so lovely to be able to sit and relax with the kids without the constraints of time & having to do other stuff. My eldest child is 7 and I just love her hugs, thinking that they won't be as frequent one day (before I know it probably). I too, am loving the SYL challenge, and look forward to each challenge on Monday mornings.

  4. Thanks for reading Mel!!! Ohhhh the kids just grow up so fast it's sad!!! Enjoy your hugs :) I am really enjoying the SYL challenge too, even though it's uncovering some things that I might not like!!! But it's been a great journey so far and I think I am a better person for what I am discovering about myself!!!!

  5. Just catching up and so glad you got to breathe and enjoy that time before school started (and glad you are enjoying this journey and these women!)

    Deb @ home life simplified

    1. Thanks for stopping by Deb - I can imagine you have soooo many posts to have a look at!!! I am really loving this challenge, I hope that its been good for you too (even though its probably soooo much extra time for you!!!)
