Monday 13 February 2012

Set Goals and Priorities......

This area is so big and so overwhelming that I haven’t been able to tackle it (it’s taken nearly two weeks!!!) But with Deb from SYL Challenge’s guidance on goal setting, I hope that my goals are both attainable and covers enough areas so that by the end of 2012, my Wheel of Life looks a bit healthier!!!!

First of all, an important goal (or the most time important) is my goal to lose 10kg by the end of April 2012. I am not overly overweight, but I do need to lose (I feel) around 10kg, so that when my husband and I try to for another baby (which is coming around quite soon!!!) that I am a bit healthier and fitter to go through another pregnancy.
The second most important goal for me right now, is to spend one on one time with each family member so that we all know that we are important and loved. This also includes nurturing the relationship with my husband! This could be small things like a walk every night, or a movie date with only one child at a time. I don’t want this to be a big deal, but more small and inexpensive things to do together. I would hope to aim for at least a one on one outing once a fortnight.
Thirdly, to maintain a clean and tidy home, as I know I am a calmer and happier person and I feel that everything is under control when the house is clean. This also includes keeping up with the ironing (the number one job that I hate!!!!!)
My fourth goal is perhaps a funny goal to have (especially at number 4), is to stop writing TO DO LISTS and actually DO THE THINGS ON THE LIST!!!!!!!!! I am going to try and write one list a month and do everything on it. The list I will make will be attainable and I will strive very hard to complete the list every month!!!!
Number five on my goals and priority list, would be to slow down. My life feels like it is running at 100 miles an hour and I really want and need it to slow down. I want to increase my time spent outside, by walking or gardening and I want to start a compost bin and to spend time in my husband’s vegetable garden. I hope to have begun a compost bin and a small garden by the end of March 2012.

Six.... phew the list is getting longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to start having extended family ‘catch up’ days at least once every two months. I feel very disconnected from my brothers and sisters lately as we all have very busy lives, but family is a number one priority and importance to me, so I want to try and repair these relationships. I hope that a regular catch up with everyone would be a small step in the right direction!!! I aim to have had the first ‘catch up’ by the end of March 2012.

NUMBER SEVEN!!!! To make new friendships and reconnect with the old. It’s hard when you have a new baby, you think you have heaps of time, when in reality you have NONE!!!! My baby girl is about to turn one in March and I feel very isolated (and have down for a few months now) and I really want this feeling to GO AWAY!!!! I hope that this year I meet some new people, with little ones, and I am going to try achieve this by stepping out of my comfort zone and GO TO PLAYGROUPS!!!!! Ohhhhhh scary scary thought but I will go and I will try!!!!!! I also want to reconnect with my old friends, they are important to me and they are obviously in my life for a reason, and I think they need some nurturing to get back the closeness once shared!! I aim to at least meet face to face once a month with an old friend!!!
Goal number eight is a personal goal, for both career and personal growth. I started a photography course at the end of 2011, but as usual life got in the way and the study took a back seat. I am setting myself the goal of completing this course by the end of 2012!!!! This will enable me to get more out of my love of photography and maybe add a source of income if I choose to take my photography to the next level.
Goal nine is to read at least one book and watch a movie a month!!! I love reading and have books everywhere and lists of books I want to read or movies to see, but I never seem to have time!! I want to MAKE time to read and watch movies!!!!

Goal number ten perhaps should be way up the top at number one or two, but it’s here and I hope that by progressing and working on all my other goals, Number Ten may just fall into place!! I would like to have a happier and healthier family by the end of 2012!!!! Not going to specify anything here, just hope to see some changes J
So these goals are actually quite daunting now that I have written them in a list form (which I actually said I WOULD NOT DO!!!!). But I will not be deterred. I am going to try and I will commit some time and patience into achieving them.
Probably the first and best place to start would be to draw up a time chart or timetable of sorts, so I am able to see WHERE I spend my time and WHERE I could fit in these new great ideas and hopes into my life.......    HERE I GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. An impressive list Paula! One I believe you'll have an excellent chance to achieve because it honestly sounds like each of those items comes from the heart. My goal too us a book a month, so far so good. I think as long as those goals are top of our mind we are one step closer ro achieving them...speaking of which...I must print mine out! Hope you reach your fitness goals - I found once I stopped reading all the sports mags, fitness sites and just got out got moving I fitted more in, I'm hoping to start playgroup as well! Here's to meeting new mums :)

    1. Thanks Pip!! Yes I am really hoping that be having these goals in my head and printed out on the fridge - that I strive to achieve them!!! I hope Playgroup is going well for you - I have been twice and so far so good!! May not make any lifelong friends out of it, but its a place to go every Monday and have a chat with other women!!! Thanks for taking the time read :)

  2. Great goals Paula. They seem achievable but are definitely something that need to be at the forefront of you mind. Some are quite similar to mine!
    Good luck with your book reading! I'm fortunate to get lots of book reading in as I read to and from work on the train (20 minute trip each way), so I really enjoy my reading time!

    1. Thanks Bec, you are lucky to use that time to read!! I really miss it and it can be such a relaxing activity!! I did try last week and got about 10 pages into a new book and that was it!! Oh well I will get there, thanks for reading again this week, hope you are enjoying SYL challenge, I am!! :)

  3. Great post Paula! I too LOVE reading and used to do it every night before bed, but now after having kids & everything that entails, I'm asleep within a few minutes of my head touching the pillow. So to get more reading time in, I keep a book on the dining room table and over lunch, I try and read a couple of pages. Miss 3 is usually ready to relax with some tv after lunch, so it's a good time for me, and if I can get up to about 20 minutes, I'm happy.

    1. Thanks for the tip Mel!! I know what you mean about the head hitting pillow and being asleep!!! I think all mums would probably be the same :) Thank you for stopping by again this week :)

  4. What a great list Paula!!! I know it seems daunting and overwhelming, but remember one step at a time, and your virtual blog cheer squad will celebrate with you, or lay down next to you! x

    1. Oh thanks Lyndaal!! It is actually getting easier trying to achieve smaller steps when I know that the bigger picture is closer and closer!!! I am realistic though, and we will be sure to get setbacks and roadblocks along the way, but I think we will learn from them as well. Thanks for taking the time to read my goals :)

  5. Great goals Paula - you can do them - break them down and start locking things in - set up a get together with your family, figure out what style compost bin etc - as long as we take it one step at a time we can get where we want to go

    Deb @ home life simplified

    1. Thanks Deb, I am actually really looking forward to my Compost Bin :)
